Building Trust | Create Clients for a Lifetime


Building trust with clients is essential to our success. Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and without it, we cannot hope to achieve our goals.

So, how do we build trust with our clients? Well, that is simple: by being transparent, honest, and empathetic.

Transparency is key.   When dealing with clients, we must be clear and upfront about everything, from our fees to the current state of the market. By being transparent, we demonstrate that we have nothing to hide and that we value our clients’ trust.

Honesty is also crucial.   We must always be truthful with our clients, even if it means delivering bad news.  Honesty builds credibility and helps us establish a reputation for integrity.

Empathy is the third piece of this puzzle. We mustn’t forget that buying/selling a home is very emotional for most of our clients. Let’s put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and try to understand their needs, concerns, and goals.  By doing so, we can tailor our approach to each client and show them that we genuinely care about their success.

Building trust with clients is not rocket science, however it does require effort and dedication. By being transparent, honest, and empathetic, we can establish long-lasting relationships with our clients and ensure  strong success in the real estate industry.

About the Author
Shannon Ashkinos
Shannon Ashkinos is the Vice President of Connections and Career Success at JPAR® Real Estate. She is an accomplished leader committed to fostering dynamic and high-performing teams through a focus on empowerment, mentorship, and the promotion of inclusive values and cultures. With a passion for developing the next generation of leaders, Shannon is dedicated to driving success and positive change.