Rise and Shine: Morning Routines of High Achievers

Success Starts Early…

What is your morning routine?  We all know billionaires are known for their success and wealth. But, did you know that many of them attribute their achievements to daily habits and routines? A few years ago, a video called The “1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine” went viral on Youtube. It was made in partnership with Jim Kwik. He is a multi-million dollar “brain coach”  who explains the habits of some of the most successful people in the world, aka billionaires. One common factor among many is their morning routine.

Here are some highlights of a morning routine that may inspire you:

  • Wake up early: Many successful people wake up early, sometimes as early as 4 or 5 a.m. This gives them time to focus on  priorities and plan the day ahead.
  • Exercise: Most successful people prioritize exercise in their morning routine. It helps them stay energized and focused throughout the day.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: Successful people often start the day with meditation or mindfulness practices. After all, it helps clear their minds, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.
  • Reading: Many successful people make time for reading in the morning. They read newspapers, books, or industry-related materials to keep informed and up-to-date.
  • Goal-setting: They often set their daily goals in the morning. As a result, they stay focused and motivated throughout the day.
  • Healthy breakfast: A nutritious breakfast is an essential part of the morning routine. Many opt for healthy options such as green smoothies, protein shakes, or egg-based meals.
  • Prioritization: Successful people prioritize their tasks for the day in the morning. They focus on the most important tasks first and delegate the rest.

The morning routine is a combination of habits that help successful people start their day with focus, energy, and motivation.  Embrace these habits and get ready to level up your game! By incorporating them into your routine, you’ll be boosting your productivity, well-being, and overall success. Let’s do this!

About the Author
Shannon Ashkinos
Shannon Ashkinos is the Vice President of Connections and Career Success at JPAR® Real Estate. She is an accomplished leader committed to fostering dynamic and high-performing teams through a focus on empowerment, mentorship, and the promotion of inclusive values and cultures. With a passion for developing the next generation of leaders, Shannon is dedicated to driving success and positive change.