3 Ways To Survive And Thrive

​What To Do When Someone Is Drowning​

Have you ever wondered if success in life is ultimately determined by our response to hardship and failure?

How is that some people release their survival mentality and embrace the opportunity to use hardships to heal, grow, and help out while others do the opposite? In this article, I intend to deliver three ways to move from survival to thriving.

Model Others

At its core, all businesses are just people carrying out an idea, solving a problem for a profit. It’s never the other way around; for instance, there is no idea so big that it doesn’t need people to make it succeed. Investors know this, hence the saying “Bet on the jockey, not the horse.” A great jockey is a great role model.

The tale of two real estate agents… in one of our nearby communities, a real estate agent is suing the local municipality over the shelter in place restrictions. The mayor posted – naming the agent – that at this time, he is having to redirect his energy and resources to the lawsuit rather than be entirely devoted to the crisis. The community is “virtually running the agent out of town” while slamming him all over social media that he cares more about selling homes than the city.

I’m not judging here, as citizens it is our right to use the legal system… it’s not about right or wrong. Who knows, maybe the agent will win the battle, yet you and I know he has already lost the war. I would not model my business after this agent.

Contrast this to James Sharp, one of our JPAR top producers based in Plano, Texas. James and his team have adapted quickly to virtual showings, virtual listings and becoming resourceful in advising buyers and sellers on what they can do in this market like:

  • Continue to work virtually on mortgage pre-approval
  • Virtually consult with him and other professionals
  • Continue to research and stay informed
  • View listings online
  • Giving back – serving the community where there is a need

A perfect model to thrive in today’s market. What makes me proud of our JPAR associates is I could name 100 others – like James – that have emailed, texted, or shared via zoom how they are serving their communities at this time while still virtually serving the needs of existing clients.

Create Hope

Those of you who know me personally, know that one of my favorite quotes is:

“Once You Choose Hope, Anything Is Possible.”

In his book “The Hope Quotient,” Ray Johnston reveals a revolutionary new method for measuring and dramatically increasing your level of hope.

Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors. When these factors are present in your business, they cause hope to thrive.

Factor 1: Recharge Your Batteries.

Nobody does well running on empty.

Factor 2: Raise Your Expectations.

You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you expect.

Factor 3: Refocus on the Future.

It’s time to throw away your rearview mirror. No one goes forward well when they have an unhealthy obsession with looking back.

Factor 4: Play to Your Strengths.

Be yourself; everyone else is taken.

Factor 5: Refuse to Go It Alone.

Never underestimate the power of support. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Factor 6: Replace Burnout with Balance.

Burning the candle at both ends isn’t as bright as you think.

Factor 7: Play Great Defense.

Avoid the five toxic hope killers that can threaten your future.

What are those 5 Hope Killers?

  1. Bitterness and resentment
  2. Worry and anxiety
  3. An unhealthy obsession of looking back and comparing
  4. Guilt
  5. Past failures

What practical steps can you take to improve your defense?

  1. Never make big decisions when you’re down.
  2. Respond to bad news in resourceful ways.
  3. Shake it off and step up.

Johnston explains how building these seven factors of hope into your life will increase your hope level dramatically and will free you and fuel you to catch a fresh vision for your future. And when that happens, anything is possible.

Now fair warning if you go to buy the book, Johnston is a devout Christian. I believe in our constitution and the freedom of religion – it’s one of many things that makes America great. Now I’d like to share I have friends and associates from every faith and of no faith. I respect their freedom, and they respect mine.

Build Resilience

“More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails. That’s true in the cancer ward, it’s true in the Olympics, and it’s true in the boardroom.” ~ Diane Coutu

According to Coutu, resilient people possess three characteristics:

  • A staunch acceptance of reality;
  • A deep belief and associated values, that life is meaningful;
  • An uncanny ability to improvise.

She states, you can bounce back from hardship with just one or two of these qualities, but you will only be truly resilient with all three. These three characteristics hold true for resilient organizations as well.

Coutu goes on to say, resilience is a reflex, a way of facing and understanding the world that is deeply etched into a person’s mind and soul.

Resilient people and companies face reality with staunchness, make meaning of hardship instead of crying out in despair, and improvise solutions from thin air. Others do not. This is the nature of resilience!

There are obviously more than three-ways to survive and thrive, yet a good start is to find great role models, create more hope, and build your resilience. Let’s get started today!


About the Author
JPAR Press & Media
JPAR Press & Media is the in-house, trusted news source for announcements, updates, and content regarding JPAR - Real Estate and JPAR Franchising, LLC.